Looking back, it is in fact a month since our last blog post. How could that possibly happen? Well, once again, we’ve been busy. For a start, Mick and I returned to the studio last week for Over The Hump (Wednesday’s at 7pm).

Over The Hump is a show that I started doing on Radio Barnsley about four years ago. The idea behind the name was that Wednesday is seen by many as hump day. Get over the hump and it is downhill all the way to the weekend (via Thirsty Thursday and POETS day). What better way to get Over The Hump than a big pile of great music. Within a couple of weeks, Mick joined the show and it evolved into sounding like two idiots sitting in a pub having a laugh. When people say that it is a huge compliment. When they say other things it is just rude and we ignore them!
During lockdown it was just me. One person talking to himself in the corner of the pub is a bit strange (and the pubs were shut) so things changed. For a start, there was less of Mick complaining about my choice of music. It doesn’t’ happen often, but when it does I just play the offending track again the following week to wind him up.
One change I made during lockdown was to shamelessly rip-off the old Radio 1 roadshow quiz Bits N Pieces. This went down well so we plan to keep it in the show now that we are back in the studio.
Returning felt odd at first. Having sprayed and wiped everything (including Mick) with the evil looking pink disinfectant stuff we settled in, keeping a metre apart at all times (something I tried to do as much as possible even before the pandemic). We are even keeping these images as far apart as we can.

Hopefully, over the coming weeks we will get all of our presenters back in the studio. Having said that, the quality of the home produced shows are exceptional. By the way, if you miss a show during the week, a number of them are available to listen again. Just click here. We have also nominated Sunday as repeat day. Starting Sunday morning off with the Juke Box on mellow mode until 10am we then unleash We Made It Through Monday with the aforementioned Mick Malloy (repeated from Monday at 5.) The repeats then run back to back until Mike’s Music Show at 9pm. The Juke Box returns at 11 for an hour of Soul Music. See the full schedule here.
New additions to our A list this week include new singles by Fontaines DC, Elvis Costello, Toots & The Maytals and Songhoy Blues.
If it’s album recommendations you want then Reunions by Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit and On Sunset by Paul Weller are on rotation at home!