Hibernation almost over

It’s almost six o’clock (otherwise known as gin time so this will be quick) and the sun is just disappearing. Whisper it, but spring is in the air. For years now, I’ve tended to go into semi-hibernation over the winter. Dark, cold and miserable, and the weather is just the same. This year seems to have been the same but times ten. Of course, the reason is obvious – lockdown and the daily reports piling up the bad news.

Lockdown has certainly thrown up the challenges for Over The Bridge Radio. Just before all this started, we celebrated our first birthday. It was starting to feel like we knew what we were doing (although it didn’t always sound like it) and the number of presenters was gradually increasing. We assumed the growth would continue, attracting more sponsors and creating more live content. Then fate said ‘Hang on a minute…’.

When the restrictions were put in place, the majority of shows switched to home recording – not without its challenges but manageable. Things relaxed a little over the summer, allowing some of us to get back in the studio. It was going OK until the night the landlords decided to ‘fog’ the building without warning us. The clue is in the name. The process involved creating a thick fog of air-bound anti-virus-gunk. Not only did it set off the fire alarms mid-show but it frightened the life out of me and Mick. The man in the full protective clothing and breathing apparatus assured us it was harmless (!) before scurrying off to phone his boss about the presence of two irate, fogged-up radio presenters.

No doubt that is the sort of tale that we will look back at fondly in the pub in years to come. The pub – remember that? In fact, that was the second anniversary that cropped up last week. It has been a full year since I last entered a restaurant or bar! As my dad worked in pubs often when I was a kid, I suspect this is the first time in my life that I have gone a full year and not been in a pub. It won’t happen again.

Anyway, the point is, there is light at the end of the tunnel. As a benefit of old-age, I got my first vaccination last week. It won’t be long until the government announce that we are allowed back in the studio and we can get on with the original plan of building the kind of radio station you want to hear. Jenny and Mike may well get the chance to do their shows live rather than pre-recorded; fresh faced new talent will come through the doors and be shown the mysteries of how the studio works, before sharing their passion for the music they love. After all, it’s all about the music.

Catch up with Indie Kid Jenny every Thursday at 7pm and Mike’s Music Show at 9pm (repeated on Friday at 11pm). If you really want the full experience, all of the mid-week shows are repeated, back-to-back every Sunday. Give it a listen, what’s the worst that could happen? Better still, get involved as a presenter or sponsor- contact us via Facebook.

Mike’s Music Show – Thursday At 9pm Friday at 11pm and Sunday at 9pm

Right, it’s gin o’clock…
